Vegan Sources of Vitamin D

Here is a list of some top sources of Vitamin D in vegan food and drinks.

Please note that sunlight ☀️ is the major natural source of Vitamin D for most people.

Alongside that, there are some vegan foods and drinks that contain Vitamin D.

Figures shown are approximate IU (International Units) of Vitamin D per 100 grams (100g) of food or per 100 millilitres (100 ml) of drink. The biological activity of 40 IU is equal to 1 microgram (μg or mcg).

  • Mushrooms (shiitake, dried) 154
  • Mushrooms (ultra-violet treated) 130-450
  • Fortified Tofu 94
  • Fortified Breakfast Cereals (e.g. fortified muesli, fortified oatmeal) 69-174
  • Fortified Plant Milk 🥛 (e.g. fortified almond milk, fortified soya milk) 36-49
  • Fortified Orange Juice 35-48

This information has been researched from various sources. Values are approximate. This list is for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. Thank you! 💚

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